Rum Chata Peppermint Bark Liqueur

750ml Bottle

    h i
    Peppermint Bark
    Rum Chata
    Agave Loco, LLC
    14% Alcohol
    Pewaukee, Wisconsin
    Gluten Free
    Gluten Free
    Product Description

    Experience the festive spirit with Rum Chata Peppermint Bark Liqueur, crafted with a delightful blend of Caribbean rum and natural Midwestern dairy cream. This holiday treat combines the rich flavors of creamy white chocolate, dark chocolate, and candy cane, creating a perfect balance of sweetness and warmth. Stir it into your favorite coffee or cocoa, layer it in festive shots, or add a splash to your seasonal recipes for extra holiday cheer. Available only during the holiday season, stock up while you can and make your celebrations extra special with RumChata Peppermint Bark.